Never Allow Other’s Criticism To Pull You Off The Horse

Be open to feedback, but never allow feedback to taint your confidence

Destiny S. Harris
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo Credit: Pexels … Ingrid Dietrich

In my mother’s words: Remember who you are, all of your experience, all of your accomplishments, your strengths, and your weaknesses. If you fall down [or someone else pushes you down], take a moment to take a knee, then get back up on your horse.

People will always have something to say about what you do and how you do things. Sometimes, they will say it in a way that seems aimed to wound or disrupt your confidence and self-worth.

Stay strong.

Realize, when people criticize you, it’s their own issue. It’s not you.

Always be open to feedback, but be careful you don’t get to the point where you start to doubt your abilities and require feedback from others to know how well or not well you’re doing.

If you’re trying and giving your all, that’s enough for today. As long as you’re learning, growing, developing, and implementing reliable feedback you’re on the right track. Don’t allow anyone to make you feel different, diminish your self-confidence, or challenge your self-worth.

Stay on the horse.

Hey, I’m Destiny. Join my newsletter, and get free books from me daily. Read more articles on self-improvement from me: here.

