Not Choosing Is Also A Choice

What I wish I knew About My Mind a Long Time Ago.

Myriam Ben Salem🦋
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
6 min readNov 20, 2020


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

“Know that in your deeper mind are infinite intelligence and infinite power.” — Joseph Murphy

Reading the “7 habits” was life-changing for me and the starting point of my transformation after having tried the fake growth journey fueled by the positive affirmations. They merely added a new layer numbing the root causes of my imbalance. Should you be interested, I explored the topic in detail here:

There is an important detail that I need to mention. I know many people who read this same book, who were blown away and thought, sincerely, that it would change their existence. Nonetheless, they didn’t evolve at all.

In the words of the brilliant Gregg Braden:

It’s about becoming the practice and allowing it to be a way of life rather than viewing it as something that we do in a moment in time. We do programs all over the world, and people come after…



Myriam Ben Salem🦋
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

A fur Momma, animal lover & advocate, lifelong learner, storyteller, edutainer, and published author. I write personal stories and essays.