Not Every Number Is An Angel Number

Only you will truly know what message is trying to be portrayed.

Shamar M
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readMar 17, 2023


Photo by Kai Gradert on Unsplash

Angel numbers are signs and small messages from our spiritual guides in the 5D realm. All of them come with their own unique message and energy.

The most common angel numbers are:

111- associated with intention

222- associated with relationships

333- associated with mind, body, and soul

444- associated with balance

555- associated with changes

666- associated with reflection

777- associated with luck

888- associated with money

999- associated with completion

000- associated with new beginnings

123- associated with self, union, and spiritual expansion

Please be advised these are generalised associations, only you will truly know what message is trying to be portrayed.

When I first entered the world of spirituality, I bought a book from a crystal shop called Angel Numbers by Kyle Gray.

Before purchasing I did not open the book, but I expected the book to break down the most common angel numbers and an…



Shamar M
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

27. Based in the UK. PG DIP HR Management. Chief of publication The First Time. Editor in About Me Stories.