Nourish Your Mental Health By Dissolving The Notion Of Separateness

It’s Driving Us Mad.

Kensu Fetsani
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Courtesy of goodwillbumpingart

Two of my deepest fears is being homeless and becoming a drug addict.

Although I’ve hidden these fears deep down in my psyche, they manifested as despise and disdain for homeless people and drug addicts.

I passed judgement on these people in an attempt to separate from the similarities I have with them; and thus, viewed myself as better than them.

But this attempt to divide myself from humanity proved to be futile. I now realise being an individual doesn’t mean being separate. In fact, the word individual means — not divided. Thus, I’m never separate from the homeless, the drug addict or any other life form.

This understanding is kniown as the Gaia Principle.

Soil sprouts up in the form of plants to nourish human beings and animals. Baby’s are formed in the womb from this food. Unused particles return to the soil and repeat the cycle. Thus, soil in the form of humans and animals consumes itself.

Further more, planet earth sprouts from the same mother as other planets in this solar system. The waters on planet earth never stop running. Yet, non-one knows where they’re going or coming from. As they amount to one ocean floating upon the notion of…



Kensu Fetsani
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Writing about the human journey — as it is — including thrills, but no veils. For truth is authority. Authority is not the truth.