Ode To My Facial Hair

A never ending love story


Photo by Victoria Alexandrova on Unsplash

On the edge of my toes,
Facing the mirror,
Ignoring the consequences,
I’m poking at you.

Twizzers, nails, the back of a spoon,
Blood running down my chin,
I never felt so alive.

Another morning,
Another ingrown gets to bloom,
Let me contemplate you, let me adore you.

There is the spiky one,
The shy one,
The one undercover,
The one who didn’t get to grow so old,

A village settles between my brows,
A city in my chin,
How can I let everybody in?

Every day, your tickles send me back,
How could I ever dream to lose you?
After all you’re the best invader I know.

Beauty standards can’t outshine you,
They call it hirsutism,
I call it feminism,
For as long as we can grow.



Suzanne Rochette
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

French writer living in Scandinavia. Podcaster. Passionate about sport, health and culture. Creator of www.basket31.tv. Clown as a side hustle.