Oh yeah, I’ve been wow!

Dan Catalin
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readDec 29, 2020
by @marjan_blan unsplash.com

Have you ever hold a pen in your hand and thought: “I could never make you happy or full, all I can do is make you sad and empty because your ink it’s not permanent”.

This is what I was thinking as I was reading “a wow moment” or an “oh yeah moment” because the wow moment of my life was when I started to write poems… they were so bad that you could sense the cliche words in it.

The thing is I have never believed a moment alone could change your life, it is about multiple moments that somehow are gathering up in your subconscious which, perhaps, you hardly want to believe.

The most “WOW” moment of my life was when I started to love without sight. It was when I was aware that my daughter was about to be born, and I was already loving her with all my heart without even seeing her, knowing her.

I was questioning myself, what if I’m not going to like her character?. Why should I love her unconditionally? Why does she have to benefit from my love without giving anything in return?

Then I realized that she was in fact offering me a lot before even being born.

She was making me responsible, she was making me quit things that would harm her.

She was making me feel a lot more confident.

She was giving me a new name, a new life, and of course, a new quality, she was making me a Father!

But even all that seems so dramatic and cliche, everyone can be a father, right?

Let’s face it, it’s easy to make love, whereas it’s not that easy to…you know, realize that wow means taking care of a child.

Another one of the most “wow” moments was when the priest asked at my father’s funeral “does anyone wanna say something?”? and I was the only one to say “yes” as the others said “but we don't do that…” and I simply went to the altar and said a poem about how I feel about my dad. Everyone was touched about it yet nobody could ever admit they would never have the balls to do it.

Aaaand another one of the most “oh yeah” moments was when I gave my heart to someone knowing I will be dead and then, just taking a turn…right out of nowhere, boom! I was shot!

Another, another, another — wow moment was when I realized I hate people who judge my status by their own mindset.

When they hear “he writes poetry”, they automatically think “he’s sitting at his desk writing with his glasses on”, but no, I am sitting at my desk with my glasses on while I just had an entire shit-life to write about.

Stop projecting people's status by your own fucking images and try to transcend because nobody could ever write anything without going through hell first.

Stop thinking about the desk and think more about the NEST I’ve been through.

Stop thinking about my glasses and think about what my eyes have seen so far.

Stop thinking about me as a man who writes out of drunkenness and think about why am I actually drunk in the first place?

Coming back to the subject, because I have obviously diverted from it, I just wanna say that the most wow and oh yeah moments in your life should be the ones you’re not hypocritical about it.

When was the last time you were not fake?

When was the last time you were honest with yourself and others?

The answers in your head (even if it’s suicidal) — that’s the wow moment, peace!

