


Stock image from Canva; Design by Author

Perhaps ’twas meant to be as this

To live a life ‘tween grief and bliss

To tread the paths of light and sorrow

To always know the lies of ‘morrow

So now I sing the siren’s song

Of being bent and broken just to belong

‘Tis not a curse, a sign, or a binding

But merely words that bear a warning

“Break not the heart t’was slowly mending

and unheal the wounds that time was closing

Lose not the trust, scar not the soul

Lest you forget that wrath has no ending.”

Originally posted on Amor Vincit Omnia.



Angelique Palenzuela-Cruz
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Among other things, I am a partner, a friend, a teacher, a learner, a wanderer, an artist and a writer.