Once There Was A Beggar Who Became A Bully

A Smile Lost in Anger.

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readAug 15, 2023


Author’s Design On Canva.

He looked dirty, wore torn clothes, and every time I drove past, I had a hello or some cash for him. He would give me the widest smile and I will continue on my way.

It was genius when I started seeing him directing traffic. It was so helpful and the honks of cars of people thanking him for making their commute better was nice to see.

And he did it in the early mornings until the afternoons. He always had a smile on him.

And just like I did, I saw other drivers stretch out their hands to give him some cash.

One day, I started to see this man in a government-issued uniform. The uniform was for the officials who help direct traffic and ensure that the roads are safe. Everyone in these uniforms, however, made everyone else, feel unsafe.

They always prey on “big” cars. You know, the ones that say — the driver has money.

Let’s say that you were caught not wearing your seatbelt by this particular group. They aren’t authorized to check your papers but they can take you for some government-mandated training which will cost you money.

This group does things differently.

Once you are stopped, they all surround you and scream at you.

They often have a huge stick with which they hit bikers or people’s cars for whatever wrong they feel you have done.

Most times, one of them will jump into your car. The man inside your car is the one who negotiates the bribe for the group. The intention is to intimidate you for maximum bribery.

You are threatened with having your car impounded for an indefinite amount of time. Some people have had their cars sold unlawfully when impounded. You don’t want to leave them with your car.

Let’s say you insist that you did nothing wrong and you want to get to their station to see their superior. They will take you there and all of them will tell so many lies against you ranging from you hitting them with your fists, to you hitting them with your car.

By the time they are done with you, you will have paid through your nose for your freedom and your car’s release.

Seeing this former beggar in this uniform gave me momentary joy that there was still hope for any determined person, even in a country like mine.

My joy was momentary though. I felt a change. And not the good kind.

It did not take long to see that change.

Author’s Design On Canva.

When I drive by these days, I see the former beggar holding a big stick, frothing at the mouth while confronting someone — from a bike man to a person in a vehicle.

Also, he wears a bandana beneath his cap. It may just be me but he seems… like a thug. And if that isn’t what he is, he surely seems angry. I no longer recognize this man.

He isn’t the poor, gentle beggar that was once sprawled on that corner with a smile, a wave, or a hello for everyone.

And I no longer stop. He knows my car. He used to approach in his former life. These days, he doesn’t and that is fine by me. I have also noticed that I rarely see him get a smile, a wave, or a hello from anyone. Everyone has moved on.

I do not begrudge this former beggar his new status in life. I cannot imagine the life he has lived and so, I cannot fathom an excuse to judge the life he lives now.

Yet, I cannot stop this nagging feeling of disappointment every time I drive past him — eyes straight on the road, as I pretend not to see him and he returns the favour.

I continue on my way and life continues on its way.

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Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Non-quitter. Writer. Speaker. Too tired for bullshit. Say Hi