One Degree Of Difference?

Yes, One Degree Makes All The Difference!

Bobby Kountz
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo from Authors Collection


“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from.” ~Seth Godin

Inspired by the work of those who created the 212-degree philosophy, I decided to do an about face and look at the other end of the spectrum.

At 33 degrees water just sits there at 32 degrees it begins to transform. For those using Celsius you know the number to be 0 degrees.

Why this radical shift in the opposite direction? Is it possible less could truly be more? What happens when we give ourselves permission to slow down?

If we are indeed energy, and we are, then what might be the result of slowing down?

At 211 degrees water just sits there. At 212 degrees it boils, creates steam and the energy can be harnessed to power a locomotive, create energy for a community, or provide immense pleasure in the sauna (slowing down).

The opposite of this excited state where the molecules of the water are releasing energy is to slow everything down. When we intentionally slow down, we give ourselves permission to breathe, to think, and to reflect, or as my friend and mentor Michael O’Brien says, we give ourselves…



Bobby Kountz
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I am an Inspirationalist! Quote Enthusiast, Inspirational Writer/Speaker - Author -THE SOMEDAY SOLUTION - Mindset, Confidence, Curiosity, Creativity, Gratitude.