One Minute

One hour

Nikki A
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min read2 days ago


One day at a time.

Photo by Alex Perez on Unsplash

That is how you begin the journey to the rest of your life.

Being Present, we all hear or see these words, but what does this mean?

My heart is pounding, I’ve closed my eyes and taken a deep breath, I’m breaking out in a sweat, shaking.. no matter what, the thoughts keep flying.. Nothing is working!

Ground yourself. Go for a walk without noise.

Just move.

This isn’t running ‘away’ from the cause.

I call this ‘break state’.

It’s a split-second moment when I’ve identified a panic-attack looming close-by, I completely stop everything and move away from any noise.

Get your feet in grass, or somewhere near nature, a porch or window, somewhere you can look-up and see the sky, or a tree, an insect, bird — anything nature-related.

Look at the details around you, focus on the colors, listen to the noises, breathe in the smells.

Hear, smell, feel, cry! As long as you’re away from that trigger-moment.

My heart-rate has returned to normal

Deconstruct what set this off, write it down — type it out, get out the exact details of what you were thinking, who you were talking to, or what you were hearing that set this moment off.

Identify, and start to process.

Then, we move forward.

These are steps I use for moments of chaos, or trigger moments that bring on panic-attacks.

One step, one day, one week at a time

You have now overcome the emotion of that ‘thing’ that you faced head-on, by removing yourself from that moment and looking at it from a fresh perspective.

And, before you know it, a year has gone, then 2…



Nikki A
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Healer-of-sorts, gut-certified consultant, artist and lover of stories!