One of the Best Ways to Project Your Energy is Through Achieving Goals

Day #3 KTHT 15-day writing challenge: The power to consciously project your energy

Wendy S. Bradfield
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Image by alan9187 from Pixabay

If I obsess over what I don't have, I get more of it. Bottom line — what you focus on grows. The power to consciously project your energy is essentially what I think we’re doing here as a human species.

One of the most profound ways we project our energy is through achieving goals. The last 3 years have been a massive growth chapter in my life. I’ve manifested goals that only come with the time commitment it takes to see them through.

It was downright brutal. I’ve always been a short-term goal sort of girl.

Not anymore.

I’m playing the long game for the first time in my life. I see the value in growing and cultivating things now. I don't know what sorcery I acquired to make it happen, but I feel like I’ve won the lottery.

Many of us are good at projecting our energy and intentions in short bursts. Beyond that lies a field of perseverance that requires self-discipline and focus. But that's what sets you apart from folks who haven't stepped into their personal power yet.



Wendy S. Bradfield
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

A cosmos-driven Egypt-based writer of broken dreams with a motivational flair. I write about love, life, and Egypt. Check me out at