One Simple Way I Access Emotional Healing as a Highly Sensitive Person

The Secrets No One Tells You About Being a Highly Sensitive Person

Assumpta Nalubowa
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readAug 23, 2023


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Dear highly sensitive person,

Sit in your soup. Simmer in the intensity of it. “The largest chemical factory,” Sadhguru calls it. These are your emotions. You might as well enjoy them.

There’s a sweetness underneath it all.

If you sit with any of it long enough, whatever it might be — grief, sadness, fear, depression (yes, even depression) — if you sit with it long enough, you’ll discover joy underneath it all.

And it’s yours. It’s yours! It’s yours! It’s all yours! So today, choose to sit in the burning furnace of your emotions. I’ll show you how to do so. How to transmute your fire into joy. Just stay with me.

In the Beginning, You Burn

“Assumpta, do you read literally essays?” A text in my Twitter DMs read. It was him.

There is a famous journalist in my country and for some reason, one day he deemed a low-life like me worthy of his texts.

It has begun, Assumpta. I heard myself think immediately. It has begun, so brace yourself.



Assumpta Nalubowa
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

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