Our Pub’s New Submission Guidelines

*Read even if you’ve been writing for KTHT for a while.*

Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Image created by author

Greetings, fellow contributors and soon-to-be contributors to Know Thyself, Heal Thyself! It is a pleasure to have you onboard today and every day.

We have two big announcements to make:

  1. Starting next month, Know Thyself, Heal Thyself becomes part of the Boost Nomination Pilot Program. It is an honor and a responsibility we intend to take very seriously, hence the need for updated submission guidelines.
  2. It’s out with the old guidelines, and in with stricter rules meant to ensure the best reading experience & quality. Please make sure you read them thoroughly, and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to PM me here.

A list of the changes we’re making:

  • We require submissions to demonstrate personal experience with the topic. Articles lacking firsthand perspective will no longer be accepted.
  • To ensure a smooth reading experience, we target an 8-minute maximum for article length. Articles exceeding this will be returned for revision.
  • We seek submissions that explore personal experiences through essays, memoirs, and poetry. We encourage a creative & innovative…



Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Founder & Editor of KTHT. Here to pen, polish and provoke thoughts / linktr.ee/ktht