Shadow Work | Mindfulness | Artist Way | Synchronicities | Symbolism

Out of the Shadows with Spiritual Symbolism and Synchronicities

KTHT Writing Prompts November 13 to November 19, 2022

jules - Miz Mindful
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
5 min readNov 14, 2022


Image created by the author -jules — using CFSpark (AI) and Canva Pro

Old photographs and memories have played out significantly in my healing journey. I remember, vividly, one particular Easter weekend, when I was working through my 4th step in my co-dependency recovery, how a photographed memory changed the direction I would take. I was reading and doing the exercises from Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life. One particular exercise was to go back to get to know yourself as a child.

The next day, seemingly out of nowhere, I planned on cleaning my closet and going through old boxes tucked away. However, when I opened the closet door, smack dab in the middle of the floor was an old photograph of me at five years old, wearing an Easter bonnet and holding my basket and a large stuffed Easter Bunny. That photograph was my first experience with synchronicities and symbolism. Honestly, it kind of freaked me out. That photograph tapped into so many hidden memories, answered questions written during the exercises, and started my path of believing in something greater than myself.

Photography is like life. We develop from the negatives —…



jules - Miz Mindful
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Juggler of words as Miz Mindful -- editor Creations Over Coffee, artist, writer, Mindset Coach, Owner Mindful Expressions, Canvassador, - but call me jules!