Overcoming Loneliness By Restoring The Fire
It’s not easy, but it’s possible.
The more we connect, interact, and build relationships with the people in our lives, the more dependent we become, and the more vulnerable we are to being alone with no one around us to depend on.
But no matter how many people there are, or how little, and whether we like it or not, our actions, words, and interactions fall on our own shoulders come day’s end.
Everyone’s going to be alone at some point. Everyone’s going to feel alone at some point. It’s all part of the non-stop cycle that is socialising.
The challenge is being mentally and emotionally strong and prepared, for the moments where the world goes quiet, and the only voice we hear is our own.
Because how well we do when there’s no one or thing to lean on, gives us an idea of how strong we are, when we don’t rely on the warmth of others and the power from socialisation.
And that’s a great thing, as we learn the most valuable things about ourselves, as people, when there’s no one else to cry to, and nothing left to blame.
Being alone teaches us how to take care of ourselves but also restore our fire. In taking care of ourselves and managing our own problems, we push ourselves to settle our emotions and…