Pen to Paper or Fingers to Keyboard

The result is the same, whatever the method

Mario López-Goicoechea
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

One of my favourite moments in the day is when I flip my laptop open. It’s the equivalent of finding a prospective date on Hinge, responding to one of her prompts and hitting it off straight away. Because writing for me has that same combination of surprise and magic.

That’s why I treat my writing as a special person, whether that be a friend or a future partner. I like finding places where I can write at liberty. Away from my room. My laptop travels with me to museums, cafes, and libraries. So does my inseparable notepad. Once I switch my laptop on or open my notepad, we’re on a date together. My writing is my priority. My phone goes on silent (it’s usually on silent as it happens) and my only focus is on the sentences and phrases in front of me.

When I’m in this mood I care more about the process than the end product. I relish the possibilities, and enjoy the fun I’m having. Occasionally I experiment with a style I’m familiar with but which I haven’t tried before. See where it takes you, I tell myself. And so, I let it take me by the hand and guide me.

When I put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, I often think of what attracted me to writing in the first place. I think of the joy it’s brought me over the years. Like a declaration…

