Poem: The Healing Light Of Beautiful Mother Universe

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
Aug 25, 2021
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Let the light of the beautiful mother universe shower on us.
As we close our eyes, let the light of the universe flow into us.
As we calm our minds, let the light of the universe shine on us.

Feel the warm cosmic light rays, permeate through our spine.
Feel the warm cosmic light rays, transform into healing light waves inside us.
Feel the healing light waves, vibrate on every cell of our mind and body.
Get immersed into her healing light waves.

Merge with her and rest on her.
Trust her love.
Trust her light.
Trust her intrinsic medicine of healing.

Together we shall feel.
Together we shall heal.
Open your eyes, smile…and give her a flying kiss.
And say thank you, universe.

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

Thank you for reading my cosmic healing insights.

