Practicing These 3 Self-care Habits Daily Helps Me Reduce Anxiety, Relax Muscles, Improve Mood, And Wake Up Energized

This is my minimalistic approach to healthy living.

O.J Ebubeoha
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readAug 26, 2023


Photo by nappy:

I have an intrinsic affinity with self-care and rewired my brain and body to align with it. Over time, it’s become a daily part of my routine, helping me maintain balance, wake up energized, and relieve stress.

There are three habits I practice intentionally every day without fail. These habits are so deeply ingrained in my daily routine that I crave and indulge in them shamelessly.

They are:

— Sleeping early
— Relaxation and deep breathing.
— Music therapy.

Sleeping Early:

Believe it or not, I'm lights out by 8:00 PM. Offering me a billion dollars won't keep me awake if I don't want to be because I'd be sleep-talking throughout our shady deal.

Also, people around me have learned not to call after 8:00 p.m. It's useless to do so because I'm halfway around the world on a grand tour.

Best believe it.

The benefits of sleeping early are enormous, although it feels like a death sentence for many. Sleeping early helps me reduce my stress and anxiety levels, feel less tired, and allows me to wake up energized.

Relaxation & Deep Breathing:

Another habit I've devoted time to practicing daily as soon as I get back from work is relaxation and deep breathing.

When I get back from work, take off my clothes, and unpack my backpack, I lay sprawled eagle-wide on my bed and breathe.

In-out, In and out, for 10 mins before rising to do anything else.

— This simple exercise helps me relax my muscles, rewire my brain to slow down, and wrap me in calm.

Music Therapy:

Listening to music is an integral part of my day. I listen to music before bed, in the morning, during showers, while cooking or washing, when I take a walk, or while I write.

Music (especially soulful music) lightens my mood, helps me achieve harmony and balance, and fills me with happiness.

Music lights me up from the inside out and it puts a warm, wide smile on my face. I feel more relieved, lighter, happier, and energized when I listen to music.

My Message With Love & Light

Practicing self-care is a personal commitment. It’s an intrinsic choice we make to slow down the rhythm of the world and listen to the one calling us from within.

To align with our choices and stay true to our commitment, we can choose a minimalistic approach. Blending simple self-care exercises into our daily routine like focused or guided meditation, yoga, deep breathing, landscape, or aromatherapy helps keep us in balance with ourselves.

That said, I still wish to know. What self-care habits do you effortlessly practice daily?

Hi, I’m Jane. I enjoy sharing articles about gratitude, growth, healing, wellness, and intriguing, relatable topics.

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O.J Ebubeoha
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Holistic Wellness Enthusiast| Storyteller & Romance Author| Freelance Content Writer & Self-Motivator | |