Preparation Is Complete

Chapter 3.2 I.Bali

Wild Soul ~ Aleksandra
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readJun 28, 2024


Pic by Author from the news — my street

Even though my decision to answer the call of Bali had been made, I still hadn’t bought the ticket. I felt stuck. Then, the war in Israel began and I spent nights in a bunker. There were so many rockets flying that some people found unexploded rockets on their balconies. I decided it was a sign.

I got my visa online, and as soon as the airport reopened, I rushed to buy the ticket. But first, it was to Russia, as it was the peak of the pandemic and to enter Indonesia, a vaccination certificate was required. Also, there were matters left to deal with in Russia. I planned to stay for about three weeks and then fly to Bali. I wasn’t living in the reality of what was happening, but in the reality of Bali. After the journey, I felt the goal was so close I could touch it. But life had other plans.

Indonesia closed its borders.

With visa and certificate in hand, I couldn’t do anything. There was an impulse on one hand and an opportunity to turn back on the other. The door to that previous life was still open, and it beckoned in the form of my ex.

I decided not to retreat. And now I’ve been in Russia for 2 months.

I already have a job. I’ve done art therapy and am preparing my performance. I appeared in a music video. I experienced a karmic connection. I meditated under an oak tree and saw all my anger directed towards my mom. I went to the mountains. I sold everything with currency value. But Indonesia still hasn’t reopened its borders.

At some point, my mind began to say — “Maybe we’ll stay here”. Gravity.

I tuned into reality and stopped clinging to Bali.

I just knew. What did I know? I don’t know, but I trusted it.

Pic by Author — art kvadrat

Thus happened my performance, which I could never have imagined. Spontaneous art project with my friends, done with live inspiration. We had only a week for all the preparations, which included sound healing, my performance with music, paints, wild dances, and even more. It was fantastic. I felt so happy that my whole body was vibrating.

I remember the news came that the borders had opened, and those who had visas could fly to Indonesia. But my visa had already expired. A couple of days later, they said those whose visas had expired due to border closures could fly in within the next two weeks.

My preparation is complete.

I had a lot of valuable, unforgettable experiences in Russia. Where I am, everything is set up perfectly for me. These are ideal conditions. But if the door opens and there is an inner impulse to enter it, be brave enough to step freely.

Sitting in the capital of Indonesia during a seven-day quarantine, I looked forward to meeting Bali.

Wonderland, I am full of hope.



Wild Soul ~ Aleksandra
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I write about my journey of “Discovering Life” an exploration of the depth of who we are and the breadth of who we can be. Join me.