Prisoner Of A Dream

In another time and place

Esther George
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Gentle woman walking on path in field with blooming flowers
Photo by Maria Orlova from Pexels

The point when you realize it’s over. It’s as though someone had flicked a switch and everything loses clarity. You’re in a state of confusion, unsure about what to do or how you feel. Suddenly the world — your world becomes a dark place. You cling on to certainty and hope at least a tiny flicker would remain, but it’s not there. Your brain stops processing. One moment the adrenaline surges, soaring into exhilaration, in seconds you’re floating in the sea of void, gasping for air.

It was never at the moment of goodbye, but long before the confession. It’s sad having to look back, to figure out what had gone wrong. The wintry wind swept across the land yet never did a word he mentions. The rustling of the branches was like trees whispering to each other but they hushed when you approached. Pink clouds float above like ships sailing past and gone from your sight. No one said a word or utter a warning. I guess it is better to let the brain be empty than to have hope, reverting back to darkness again and silence.

It’s as though awakened within a dream of a persistent nightmare, you realize nothing stays the same — moments, people, flowers. Yet in this desert of company, nothing is ever complete without its pair. There is Life and Death; joy and pain; love and hurt; and then there’s you and him. It’s the equilibrium of…



Esther George
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Writer • Dreamer • Storyteller • She writes about discovering and living your best life now because life is truly what you make it.