Pursuit of Peace

A poem that gradually brightens

Nicholas Breen
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readApr 30, 2023


Photo by Candice Seplow on Unsplash

Medicated, I feel dull.
A heart in pieces which may never be full.
A warmth gone from soul, replaced with cold.
That would change with someone to hold.
Perhaps when I’m old.
A piece of my mind sold.

Together we argue, contradicting goals and wants.
We are a dichotomy, two energies tearing apart.
The one in the middle, me.

I am troubled, silently unstable.
I want to bear meaning, create a fate of importance.

Whether I wither or grow,
I must expand what others know

A cell, a wave, a feather
A part of something greater

A piece of a higher power.
Ascend higher, like climbing a tower.

I can rebuild,
perhaps with the right group or guild.
I must harden my shell, my shield.

Reinstate resilience and diminish degradation.
An individual within a nation.

Hopefully one day a catalyst of constructive change.

I can help build a future brighter.

I can use my powers to refine and shine,
a light known as my own.
No need for a phone.
Progress, as long as we’re not alone.
Regardless of origin, ethnicity, religion, or skin tone.

I have the ability to connect, to form peace.

Create as much as you can, and eventually others will follow.
I desire unity, connection, love, and an undying peace for others to know.



Nicholas Breen
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Aspiring author who writes for the dreamers, the learners, the unknown poets and people of this world. To learn more about me: https://tinyurl.com/TheBreenShow