3 Quotes by Rumi That Helped Me Realize the Significance of Fulfilling My Purpose

The biggest brag in life is ‘knowing your place of power.’

El Creativo
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Rumi, as depicted by Hossein Behzad — image from Wikimedia Commons

37.2 trillion cells.

That’s not the final number of cells in your body, but it’s a very good start, according to scientific calculation.

More than 37 trillion beings live and die at your command.

I always wanted to experience infinity. And during one meditation, my inner voice whispered to me, saying, “Look no further than your body, you are the conductor, and they play symphonies for you.”

We are great, but it’s considered polite and humble to downplay oneself.

But, I found sayings from one of the best mystic poets, Rumi, that might help individuals realize how great they are.

“Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your myth.”

A myth is a story so extraordinary that people deny its credibility.

And your life can become a myth. Your life can become an example of incredible. But on one condition, you have to intend it.



El Creativo
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Hi, my name is Emilien Creativo. Inspired by the magic of love.