
What do you see?

Lexy Mae
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readOct 17, 2023


a lady with a bob cut and black dress looking at her reflection
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Mirror Mirror LOOK AT ME !

Some days I feel better about, what I see

I felt happy, when they looked at me

I’m the prettiest version of me I’ve ever perceived

Until they say something that hurts me

Mirror Mirror LOOK AT ME !

Why do I still feel, empty

I looked in you, and what did I see

I saw what they said, they thought of me

Mirror Mirror LOOK AT ME !

They no longer think, I’m pretty

The one I loved has someone new in his face

Now I feel like, a disgrace

Look at all the time I’ve waste

Mirror Mirror LOOK AT ME !

I’m not as pretty as I thought I’d be

Maybe if he would have told me

Maybe if he would have consoled me

Mirror Mirror LOOK AT ME !

Why do I let people define me?

I let others tell ME, the ME I see

When their version of ME, isn’t really ME

Mirror Mirror, Do you know what I SEE ?

Someone that’s tired of feeling empty

Someone that’s tired of being lonely

Someone that’s tired of being ashamed of what they see

Someone that’s tired of others determining ME

Mirror Mirror, Do you know what I SEE ?

Someone God says, holds beauty that’s more than skin deep

Someone that smiles, and laughs like a queen

Someone that’s not defined by outside opinions of me

Mirror Mirror, Do you know what I SEE ?

I see tiny grays, that never fade away

I see beautiful round eyes, that sometimes cry

I see acne scars that didn’t completely dim

I see a big smile, that almost died

I see stretch marks that came after life was formed three times

I see imperfections, but I also see unique

Mirror Mirror, Do you know what?

I’m starting to like what I see

I see a reflection and…

I see me

“FOR WE ARE GOD’s MASTERPIECE.” (Ephesians 2:10)

You are MORE than enough. It’s time to BELIEVE IT, and live like the work of art GOD created you to be. God bless :)

