Reflections on Spirituality

Each journey is different, each destination a surprise

Mario López-Goicoechea
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
6 min readSep 6, 2024


There, in one of those strings a spiritual moment can be found Photo by Black Iris Visuals on Unsplash

If you have ever listened to Beethoven’s Violin Concerto in D major you might have noticed that at some point the piece becomes a musical game of ‘It’. The melody starts off as a uniform unit; however, there’s always a sense of expectation in the background as the violinist prepares to perform their solo. Just before the first movement finishes, the soloist breaks free and the listener is led to believe that this cadenza will dictate the rest of the piece. But no, after a couple of minutes the orchestra catches up with the runaway and the soloist is forced back into the herd. This action is repeated until the end.

This melodic cat-and-mouse scenario came to mind recently for two reasons: spiritual enrichment and the significance of it. The former can better be explained as the effect the Beethoven concerto has on me, the latter is a muddled concept with which I am still grappling.

Supposing we are all functional human beings, the odds are that we have a spiritual side of which we might or might not be aware. And if we are, then we try to nurture it the best way we can. This immaterial trait runs counter occasionally to our — more, in my case — pragmatic self.

