Relationship Frustrations

The Milestone Mistakes — the reasons it broke

“He didn’t even call his son” — her

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

“You didn’t even call your son” — girl

“Um…. Yeah…. No Sh*t. Why do you think your real man hates me? Oh, that’s right, you don’t know he does, because us men don’t show you our hatred towards your ex, because you still think we are full of worth and potential, enough to still do most of whatever I say like a puppet. Truth is, if I had any worth or potential I would still be with you. Think about it. I have never changed from day 1, girl. I just got what I wanted and what I wanted did not coincide with yours” — The Male Brain

Starting off with 🔥 ha-ha!

This will not cover all relationship frustrations. Leave a comment of your greatest relationship frustration. Another fun article that exposes the lies about your current, your past, or your future relationship — and mostly to help out women.

Before we move forward, let’s describe again, the ONLY 4 TYPES OF MEN THAT EXIST IN ALL DIMENSIONS ACROSS TIME, SPACE, AND MATTER:

1. Quitters: You know, men who don’t flaunt (but try to convince people they walk in humility), but they quit on themselves and they will quit on you faster than you can say, “hey babe, check this out”. Answer: Stay away…



J & J (Jessica & Joshua J. Lyon, QMHP, ACNP)
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

She's an Accountant & he is an MA in Counseling student at Liberty U, has a BS in Criminal Psychology, is a Mental Health Worker, Combat Veteran, & Writer