Release The Old Stories and Travel Light in 2024

Time to recap, declutter and get ready for the new year.

Sparkling Annabel
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readDec 22, 2023


Hey friends,

Welcome to this letter to both you and me at the end of 2023.

2023 has been a year of self-discovery and dealing with struggles. The journey was not easy but definitely necessary and worthwhile.

If you have read my content, self-discovery and healing is one major topic along the way.

Only afterward did I realize how much burden and baggage I’ve carried with myself all the time. Those extra weight have hindered my vision and slowed me down until I finally found myself deep in a rut.

It took me quite some time to figure out what I was doing to myself, those lessons taught me to be kind to myself and also be open to the light from others.

Be proud of what you’ve accomplished

Many of us are busy hustling and grinding, gradually we become forgetful that it was those steps we took to make us this far.

No matter how you’re feeling at this moment of life/year, it’s still crucial to remind yourself to put on pause, reflect and remember the ups and downs you have experienced. What’s more important is how you managed to pick yourself up every time you fell. Applaud yourself for always thriving no matter what!

I know 2023 was not an easy year, as much as we want to be hopeful for life. There are still challenges we need to tackle. Through those challenges, we learned our lessons and we will rise.

Make sure you take some time to appreciate your effort even if it seems to be small. In fact, you’ve got the momentum to wake up every day and work hard for a better self is something you should feel proud of.

Make those lowest moments worthwhile

It was those frustrations, regrets, traumas, struggles and worst moments that made us resilient.

You’re still here, right? That’s the living proof you’ve made it through and still stand tall. Those circumstances taught us how to cope and navigate even when life seems to be so hard on us.

You’ve grown into someone wiser, braver, calmer.

You’ve made it without losing a kind and loving yet strong heart.

You’ve learned how to not lose yourself when the road ahead is still filled with uncertainty.

As much as it was painful to see you go through some tough times. When life happened THROUGH you instead of TO you, you’ve conquered the problems the best you could and were reborn as a new self.

Now, what if I offer you a chance to cancel all those bad things that happened this year, would you still say yes to that?

Be authentic and honest with yourself

As the world will reflect how you think of and treat yourself, it’s always necessary to ask yourself who you truly want to be.

Your behavior has patterns and you might not be aware of that. At least I have never thought that my behaviors, my reactions and my ways of dealing with people have always been a surface of many deeply rooted mindsets.

How do you identify it and change it for good?

Be aware and conscious of how you operate. Your ego can sometimes take the wheel without you realizing it. Also, notice that it can be difficult in the beginning because how can you be able to tell if you are ‘blinded’ by that?

But when you invite your awareness to the moment, you can tell that some narratives are only coming from your head/ego. Inspect the narrative, has it happened already or it was just an assumption? That’s how you break out of the made-up narratives.

Be brutally honest with yourself even if you don’t feel comfortable, that’s usually the sign you should do it.

Trust yourself and go easy with the process

Being honest with yourself doesn't mean torturing you with self-reflection. By reflecting and recapping, you can be in the present and gain perspectives on how to be a better self.

I’ve learned through 2023 that sometimes I just need to simply trust myself that I’ll make it even if I don't know how and when.

The validation we seek is inside and with us all the time. Ambition is good, ambition drives us forward, but also know that don’t be so hard on yourself. Set realistic goals for your long-term aspirations instead of reminding yourself that you’re still not a billionaire yet.

When you hold yourself accountable, you should honor the process because the how & when will unfold itself. Be brave without turning back and the future shall reveal itself to you.

Final thoughts

Looking back, I still can’t believe how I got myself this far and still be a loving genuine person. What I’ve been through has become my stepping stone to my current self and future self too.

Give ourselves some credit for this year, those moments will never be in vain!

I will see you in 2024!

Have faith and be gentle with yourself.

Start small and start now.

Follow me on an inspirational mindfulness journey!

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Sparkling Annabel
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Always seek to be a better version of self. Designer | Non-native speaker | Medium Writer