Revert To Childhood

An exercise to enhance your mental health

Destiny S. Harris
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Not everyone was fortunate enough to have a beautiful childhood, but many did. Most babies and kids are happy because they haven’t been tainted: by the world, the lows life can bring, and the disappointments that can come. Over time, if we’re not careful, we digress from the child we used to be. We’re less happy, less fun, less adventurous, less curious, less healthy, less content, and less lively.

What about your childhood makes you smile? As you recall the happy moments of your childhood, how do you feel, and what pictures come to mind?

Think of these pictures and memories often. Figure out how you can live now, similar to the child-like version of yourself. No, we cannot recreate our past, but we can recreate a better today and tomorrow that will build a happier, more fulfilling, and loving future.

For me, I played outside a lot. I took a lot of walks. I stayed active. I made friends easily. I was more trusting. I was more carefree. Things that bother me now, I could never fathom giving the time of day back then. My spirit was lighter. My curiosity was sharper. I enjoyed making people laugh. I had natural confidence. I said whatever was on my mind (to a fault). I asked a lot of questions.

What were some of your childhood characteristics?

Revert to childhood.

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