Sacred Salvation

A journey back to spiritual intuition and wisdom

H.C. Holmes
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash

Smooth stones littered the shoreline of a rocky lake. Giant boulders and outcroppings like steps up the side of the cliff. Pebbles led from the rocky shore into the clear blue water. Fish, large and small, feeding off their smooth surface. Calm and serene, the scene belied the turmoil building inside the lone figure on the stones.

A woman with nothing to lose stood at the edge of a granite slab, the next part of her life’s journey uncertain and sullied. Broken and alone, she stared at the water, her savior through life’s hardships, and asked for salvation once more.

Wind picked up in answer to her call. Placid water stirring up into a frenzy, trees waving and bending to the power of the moving air. Aphrodite-style Lilac cotton dress flowed over her shoulders, pooling at her feet. Midnight purple cloak, clasped at the neck, fell down her back. Air, wild and free, blew the fabric around her body. Her auburn hair, pulled back in a loose bun, whipped around her face in frantic uninhibitedness.

A lone grey wolf stepped from the woods behind her, light eyes glowing in the receding light, fur ruffled by the increasing breeze. Poised to pounce, he crouched, expecting the need to defend the vulnerable woman in turmoil at the shore. He waited for her to call to him…

