Seasons Of Life

You can observe how life has its seasons. Everything that was sown in the “past” bears seeds in the present, and everything has its time to ripen.

Wild Soul ~ Aleksandra
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min read17 hours ago


Pic by Author — evening thoughts

Even looking at my published stories, I discern the changing seasons in the spiral of life. Sometimes it seems to me that I live on the edge of the contrasts of my life. I balance something that I cannot understand. I touch something (or it touches me) and it slips away.

Polarities and contrasts. When you are sensitive, you instinctively feel their approach. The wild soul is always with you. Trust your instincts. Trust the river of life flowing through your body.

We all like the bright seasons. Yes, I love them too and I am capable of loving and wanting to fully experience them with all my being. On this side, the universe celebrates and it feels like paradise stretches around you. With your favorite track playing in your headphones, you are riding high. I absolutely love this.

But you know, in the “winter seasons,” in the quiet seasons. Seasons alone with oneself and darkness, perhaps in mental anguish. There.

There it’s as if God whispers in your ear. It’s a place of silence where you truly learn to listen.

Embracing this free will. Free will, it’s free precisely because it’s free even from yourself.

If we turn to nature, there will always be many answers about the wisdom of life. Nature contains the code of the creator. We could easily understand them if it were not for the tendency of the mind to live by explanations.

Seasons of life give you the opportunity to witness internal changes in motion. Because somehow you know that you’re meeting the season as a different person. Something has sprouted inside you. Awareness has given birth to a new shoot.
It’s not upward movement, it’s movement that covers any version of you.

Pic by Gabriel Jimenez from Unsplash. One of the sign.

The main thing is to see what is growing inside you when everything outside seems to be dying. This is your true light.

You are where you are. You are who you are.



Wild Soul ~ Aleksandra
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I write about my journey of “Discovering Life” an exploration of the depth of who we are and the breadth of who we can be. Join me.