
A poem

Waqas Ahmad
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min read2 days ago


I love books, their whispers soft and low,
A universe of stories, waiting to bestow.
Their spines, a rainbow, a tapestry of dreams,
Each page, a canvas where imagination gleams.

From dusty shelves, where wisdom takes its stand,
To modern tales, that hold a magic hand,
They beckon me, with promises untold,
In their embrace, my spirit takes hold.

Each turning page, a journey I embark,
Through kingdoms vast, and darkness in the dark.
With characters, so real, they breathe and sigh,
Their joys and sorrows, I feel them nigh.

Within their pages, I escape and soar,
To distant lands, where I’ve longed to explore.
They teach me lessons, with gentle, guiding hand,
And open up my heart, to understand.

Let me wander, through these realms of thought,
Let stories unfold, and wonders be caught.
For in the world of books, my soul takes flight,
And finds its solace, in the pages bright.

Books have always been a refuge, a portal to endless worlds, and a wellspring of inspiration. This poem is a tribute to the power they hold. The whispering metaphor for turning pages embodies the quiet intimacy of reading, a secret conversation between the writer and the reader. Each book is a vibrant tapestry woven from words, transporting us to fantastical realms or offering profound truths about our own reality.

The act of writing about this in a lyrical style reflects the beauty and magic I find within books. Just as a poem uses rhyme and rhythm to evoke emotions, books utilise language to paint vivid pictures and stir the soul. It’s my hope that these verses capture the same sense of wonder and possibility that I experience when I lose myself in a captivating story.

