She’s Precognitive Dreaming, Again

Photos and Audio of Evidentiary Value of a Dream Come True

Ka Falcon
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


[update] Life has changed our relationship, but the woo woos of this story remain true.

Classical Guitarist

My daughter and I were very close. It’s always been just her and I, alone since pregnancy. Good times, bad times, we’ve been through a lot. She is now grown, a classical guitarist and music teacher. But this story isn’t about her; it’s about me. Just kidding. She prefers to stay out of this story as much as possible, so this post is about the dream, but of course she’s more important to me than the dream! This is about her trip to the hospital and I dreamt the whole thing in the wee hours that morning, trippy. Not my first precognitive dream and I certainly hope not the last.

The Dream

A very upsetting dream jolted me awake around 7:30 am before my alarm. I worked nights and would get home in the morning, so I usually slept in until later. But I got up, started chores and did some yoga. The dream was very strong, vivid and all taking place somewhere I had never seen, faces I didn’t recognize, except for Mandy, my niece.

She was sick, cold



Ka Falcon
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

FT Nomad traveling America | Former Las Vegas Cabbie | Hobby Photographer, Storyteller