Should We Eat Grapes or Rasins?

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readOct 3, 2020


I am sure when we read this story, we all thought that of course there was going to be problems because they all spoke different languages. The truth is, most of us speak different languages than the people around us, on a daily basis. The only difference is that most of us do not have a wise holy man overhearing our conversations.

We have different love languages. We have different emotional languages. We have different need languages. How many of us have told people we want to be left alone when we really want someone to read into it and realize we need someone to confide in? We want to confide but we don’t want it to get out to anyone else. We want someone to fight through the walls to let us free ourselves. Then we want them to act like nothing happened once they do.

We often speak in code to others. That is not a problem if we handed out code books. We expect people close to use to all be cryptologists. We get angry and strike out when they can’t or get it wrong. Some people we are close to, we tend to know when something is wrong. When I notice this with friends I will usually verbalize it…



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

evolving to be a person my dogs would be proud of and wise enough to honor the owls I cherish