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Silence, if you can see in a color

the veins on my arms, crawling away to find solace,

prank lizards lined up on the ceiling

lips drawing blood from a blue heart,

the water in my body starting to freeze

unshed tears in the corner of my eyes

a sky moving farther away as I get closer

a planet orbiting in space, forever,

if you ever cut open my arteries

it gushes out to hug your soul


I sat on its banks

then, one day, I started walking on the frozen water

the ice cracked under my feet

and blue, it started flowing.

About this poem: I did a solitude experiment for a while once. This poem shares my experience of embracing silence and exploring the power of solitude. Solitude is a powerful yogic practice that helps us connect with the beyond and experience divinity.



Jayasree Menon
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

A former journalist, the author enjoys writing poetry, humor, fiction and non-fiction on a variety of socially relevant topics