Sinning Is Good For The Soul

The emotions that propel us into enlightenment

Khalimah Malik
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
6 min readAug 24, 2023


At one point in my life, the weight of society was heavy on my back. Tempted to do things I was told not to do because it was “wrong,” without being given a deeper understanding.

“Because you’re not supposed to”, wasn’t a good enough reason for me. My curious nature needed a better ‘why’.

Instead of blindly accepting these labels, I’ve taken it upon myself to delve into the heart of what’s often labeled as forbidden. I’ve found that there’s always more to the story than the surface judgment.

I too once believed wholeheartedly in the reasons society gave for why certain actions were bad. But now, my perspective has shifted. These so-called ‘sins’ have been some of my best teachers.

Sin: Pride

It’s not just a word but an emotional journey that defines our triumphs. Society slapped the label of pride as arrogance, missing its deeper essence. It’s that electrifying sensation when you defy the limits, or that gentle voice of victory after enduring countless challenges, telling you, “I did that.”

Pride isn’t about overshadowing others; it’s about cherishing those silent milestones that only you know the cost of. Yes, external validations are fleeting, but authentic pride — rooted deeply inside — stands tall, unaffected by opinions.

Amidst life’s unpredictable tides, pride acts as our anchor, grounding us against the storms of self-doubt and external pressures.

It’s the shield we need to navigate our lives; it’s our guiding force. Celebrate your pride. Not in defiance, but in pure self-love. For it is pride that keeps you aligned with your worth.

Sin: Anger

Anger is a raw force that pulses within me. Growing up, I felt the pressure to hide this emotion, thinking of it as chaotic, even though it’s as natural as my moments of joy or bouts of sadness. I’ve come to learn the importance of distinguishing between feeling anger and the actions that might follow.

Anger, in itself, is neutral. When I channel it correctly, it becomes a force that drives positive change, helps me challenge the status quo, and empowers me. But when unchecked, I’ve seen it jeopardize my relationships and cloud my judgment.

Trying to suppress it only amplifies its intensity. So, when that familiar heat of anger rises in me, I’ve learned to pause, delve into its source, and use it as a tool for introspection and self-improvement. It has become both a guide and a lesson, helping me define my boundaries and values.

Sin: Gluttony

Gluttony goes beyond overeating — it’s an entanglement with excess in all forms. From the vast array of culinary delights to the constant bombardment of media and materialism, we’re often entrapped in a loop of relentless consumption. But this cycle extends beyond food.

In our era, where binge-watching and one-click purchases dominate, we must question: “Am I genuinely fulfilling a desire or just filling a void?” This yearning to indulge isn’t negative. Enjoying experiences, be it a delicious meal or a memorable moment, is among life’s treasures.

The issue arises when pleasure morphs into compulsion when we mindlessly chase ‘more’ without understanding or appreciation. In essence, life is about equilibrium. While it’s natural to indulge, it’s vital to reflect: “Am I truly savoring or merely consuming?”

In a world fixated on abundance, perhaps the real quest is recognizing when ‘enough’ truly satisfies our spirit.

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Sin: Greed

Greed, often portrayed negatively, is a profound desire embedded within us, fueling human progress and ambition. Historically, it propelled exploration, innovation, and monumental achievements. Today, though, it’s often associated with rampant materialism, evoking visions of cutthroat tycoons.

Digging deeper, I realized greed was more than material acquisition. It’s an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, experiences, and life’s richness. It drives artists to inspire, scientists to uncover truths, and visionaries to innovate. It’s about passion.

The danger arises when desire lacks purpose, becoming a blind race for more, detached from meaning or value. To keep greed in check, it’s crucial to introspect the ‘why’ behind our desires. Is it a tool for positive impact, or a relentless cycle leaving us perpetually unsatisfied?

Ultimately, understanding greed challenges our core motivations and the legacy we aim to craft. The decision, as ever, lies in our hands.

Sin: Envy

Envy highlights our desires unfulfilled and dreams untapped. Instead of shunning it, what if we view it as a signal, revealing our aspirations and dormant passions? Envy was the push I needed to chase my dreams unapologetically.

It wasn’t about coveting others’ achievements; it was seeing my ability to accomplish similar successes. It became clear that the accomplishments of others were simply reminders of the latent power and determination within myself.

Envy also demands reflection.

It’s less about mimicking someone else’s path but understanding the essence behind our desires. It poses a vital question: Is contentment a static state or an evolving journey, reshaped by our experiences and learnings?

When envy surfaces, view it not as a vice but as a tool — a mirror reflecting our deepest yearnings. Used wisely, it can transform longing into action. When envy arises, engage with it. The revelations might reshape your journey.

Sin: Sloth

Was it laziness or my soul’s way of signaling for a break?

In a world that equates constant activity with worth, taking a moment to just “be” seems revolutionary. Yet, isn’t rest essential, not just for machines but more so for us, intricate beings of emotion and thought?

Sloth isn’t promoting endless inactivity, but recognizing the need for rejuvenation. It’s not about celebrating aimlessness but understanding the revitalizing power of intentional rest. Prolonged idleness can dull us, purposeful pauses recharge our spirit.

Think of sloth as a counterweight to our relentless modern pace, advocating for moments of reflection and stillness. Within the calm of sloth, we discover renewed clarity and purpose. The next time you feel the pull of sloth, take note. Perhaps it’s the universe’s gentle reminder to pause and breathe.

Sin: Lust

Lust, an emblem of our most profound desires and our yearning for connection. Beyond mere physical attraction, lust represents the electric current that revitalizes our senses, urging us to embrace life with unmatched intensity.

Society views lust through a lens of shame, but at its heart, it’s a celebration of human sensuality and our profound capacity to connect. When we strip away the judgment, we see lust as a tribute to our emotive depth. However, this powerful force requires understanding and respect.

Without boundaries, it can spiral into obsession or hurt. Yet, when approached with awareness and mutual consent, lust can become a bridge between hearts, facilitating unparalleled intimacy and understanding.

It’s time we see lust for its true essence: a testament to our passionate nature. When harnessed with wisdom, it offers deep connections, reminding us of our intrinsic need to bond, merge, and truly understand one another.

The Wrap Up

Through the often-labeled “sins,” we’ve ventured beyond surface judgments to grasp their core significance. These emotions, typically viewed as shortcomings, are fundamentally human. They test limits, defy norms, and underscore our inherent nature.

Branding them as ‘sins’ diminishes the multifaceted tapestry of human experience.

When we approach these emotions with awareness and compassion, they become compasses leading to deeper understandings and stronger bonds. Let’s transition from blind reproach to authentic acknowledgment, realizing that every emotion has its distinct thread in our intricate human fabric. Engage with them, fathom them, and strike equilibrium.

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Khalimah Malik | Founder of Society144



Khalimah Malik
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Empower individuals to regain control of their minds and ascend to their highest potential |