Sit in Beautiful Settings

Settle the mind. Quiet the noise. The Answer is here.

Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readJul 9, 2024


Pic by Author — Sayan Point — A place of Wonder & Awe — July 2024


I’m at Sayan Point today — snapping that picture above and grabbing a drink. They know me here now, and it’s great to walk in and be greeted with smiles, chit chat and small talk.

Now here I am… sitting, watching, writing, feeling.

There is so much I don’t understand about how our body works, how our mind processes, or the psychology of the crazy we all feel sometimes.

But there is one thing I am absolutely clear about…

The more we delayer, deprogram, and strip away all the things we “believe are important”… the closer we get to who we really are. The closer we get to peace, calm, wonder, and love.


I’m not going to lie. Its a freakishly scary process.
But we all get glimpses of this truth I’m trying to convey.
We get it without even trying.

When you go to beautiful places.
When you sit in beautiful settings.
When you’re with beautiful people.
When you see the golden reflection of a sun setting.
When you stand in the slow moving tide of a vast ocean sea.

You feel it.

In those moments you catch a glimpse of your soul.

You’ve stripped away your ‘beliefs’, and the noise, and the cultural pressures that tend to drive us all. You find yourself melting into creation, becoming one with the setting around you. Then BOOM, there it is.

You’ve caught a glimpse.


Delayering, Deprograming, losing false beliefs… yeah, there’s a journey there right to the center of you… but maybe you’d just like a taste?

Maybe you just wonder where to start?

Maybe you’d like to recenter?
Find balance? Create a new balance?

Maybe you’d just like to rest a bit,
or perhaps you really would like a peek into the window of your soul.

This is a path.
Put yourself close to creation.
Hit pause, and get out.

Sit in Beautiful Settings.

Quiet the mind.
Just Feel.

What you hear will be what you need.
Whispers of Life in a voice you will know.


Let go and Let’s GO!
- Jeff



Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Living Life and Sharing the journey: Lessons of Leading and Learning. Discoveries of Experiencing and Exploring. This is my Journal, lets adventure together.