Skipped Beats

On palpitations and the heart.

Mike Hickman
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


A gloved woman in scrubs holding out a furry red heart.
Photo by Karolina Grabowska:

It is not meant to feel like this,
It is meant to signify elation,
It is meant to signify love,
It is meant to signify emotion.
It is meant to say so much of
What is in my heart,
And that at least is true,
A truth, in truth, so very hard,
A truth, in truth, I’m telling you,
So you will know how this feels to me,
This lurching, dropping, sinking sensation,
So you will know how it is to be,
Living with this sense of perpetual tension.
And this is not meant to excuse
My anxiety, my moods, my obvious frustration,
But I hope it explains what sometimes ensues,
When the beats are skipped,
And the results are mistaken.

Mike Hickman has been many things. Formerly a teacher, academic, external examiner, fundraiser, personal assistant, doctoral student, drama teacher, “actor” (ha — never again), documentary director, and so very much else besides. Sometimes, these days, he is a writer.

For the context to recent times, he hopes you might read this:

Returning From the Dead to Take in the Post | by Mike Hickman | Know Thyself, Heal Thyself | Apr, 2024 | Medium



Mike Hickman
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Mike Hickman ( is from York, England. Words in Red Fez, Little Old Lady Comedy, Doctor Funny, The Haven, Sledgehammer & many more