So Lucky You Shouldn’t Know From It

Finding out after the fact

Ted Czukor
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

If I had known how much bad luck I was being spared at the time, I would have been a lot more grateful and I would have complained a lot less!

When I found out later how much worse some other people had it, at the time I sounded like a privileged, entitled “Karen!”

It seems I don’t know when I’m well off. God has always taken care of me, but I was annoyed because He sent a motor boat to save me from the flood, instead of a nuclear-powered sub.

I bitched because He set me on dry land but made me lose my umbrella.

I hope I can learn something from these experiences, and not be such a pain in the ass to the universe in the future!

I need to learn to say “Thank You” a lot more. And really mean it.

I felt embarrassed because He gave me white skin but made me seek help from a Food Bank.

Yeah, that was rough. I almost lost my car insurance. What was He thinking?



Ted Czukor
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Born 1947. Actor, Yogi, Writer, Scholar, Metaphysician, Film & Tape Editor, Archer, Cook, Old Hippie, Handyman, Spiritual Teacher, Philosopher, Former Caregiver