Spiritual Meaning Of Light & Candle

Everything is inside of you. Sharing wisdom gained from my Spiritual Journey

Kashish Gambhir
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Canva originals

I was 5 years old when I started questioning my existence in this world.
By God’s grace, I was gifted with a level of perception that made me see more than what the two eyes could see but sadly, I never got answers to my spiritual questions from my parents and my teachers; answers that could satisfy my soul.

Being born in India and surrounded by friends from different religions made me question things that I might not have questioned otherwise.

One such question that intrigued my soul was,
‘Why does everybody light candles in their respective holy places?’

My friends that were Sikhs lit candles in Gurudwaras, my Hindu friends lit diyas and candles in temples and so did my Christian friends in Church.
I thought that there had to be a deeper meaning to this practice that is common to all these religions.
But I could never get an answer that satisfied my soul to its core.

