Spoiler: Bottling Up Your Emotions Will Ruin You

As someone who was proud of “keeping it together” and “not having emotional outbursts”, you can take my word on it.

Aditi Jha
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Alexander on Pexels

I always thought that I have high emotional intelligence.

Even the worst life situations could not break me mentally, I used to laugh my way out of humiliation, and of course — I never cried. As a 16-year-old, I believed that I had it all figured out for me. People around me who cried when in distress and threw a tantrum when things went horribly wrong just needed more maturity in life — this was my thought process.

Oh boy, was I in for a surprise?

I wish I could turn back time and tell my younger self to not bottle up her emotions the way she does.

I wish I could tell her that being emotionally unavailable is not the flex she thinks it is.

I wish I could tell her that she needed help.

Fortunately, at 20, I have finally realized the importance of letting my emotions out. If you find yourself refraining from opening up and giving a healthy outlet to your emotions…

