Spread (or Plant the Seed of) Joy

Light up your heart in the holiday season

Sari Fujimaru
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readDec 13, 2022


Photo by Author (Surapsari Fujimaru)

I connect cedar branches with wire clippings and bend them into a circle. The camphor-like scent brings wood inside the room and envelops me like an emerald blanket.

I’m making a holiday wreath with the plants I collected in my yard. It is the lovely December tradition I treasure. I don’t use a wire wreath frame, so my finished decoration doesn’t come out in a perfect circle. I smile at the irregular shape, the embodiment of natural beauty.

Wreath making has been my way of invoking and spreading the joy of the holiday season, along with sending out greeting cards.

I remember the one December when I was utterly joyless. I felt disconnected from holiday delight, and my heart sank into the winter wilderness. I had no energy to make a holiday wreath or decorate a Christmas tree.

So, I made a tiny holiday display using a pinecone, an evergreen twig, and red berries. The palm-size decoration didn’t soften my face but warmed my heart just a little. It was my prayer. I planted the seed of joy in the barren of my heart.

Joy is what we seek, cultivate, and spread.

If you resonate with the merriment of the holiday season, express your joy and share it with others. If you are feeling hurt or heavy, plant the seed of joy in your heart. Keep watering it every day. Reach out to others so they can support and join in your effort.

Happy Holidays!

Surapsari (“Sari”) is a mindful life coach. Visit her websites for more 
information about her services.





Sari Fujimaru
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Mindfulness teacher, board-certified life coach, co-owner of a private retreat facility in Texas, USA. Learn more at surapsari.com