Stay Open to the Unexpected.

Work your agenda, but hold it loosely, stay on watch!

Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readAug 25, 2024


pic by Author — GoodDay running Loop — Ubud, Bali — July 2024

July 30th, 2024
Ubud Cinnamon
9:07am CIT

After deciding to not run yesterday, I ran.

About 11:00am I left Ubud Cinnamon, jumped on my scooter and took the ride over to GoodDay. It’s not the closest place, but I do love running the loop over there. I also love my scooter rides.

I had a moped when I was 15, never had a motorcycle, but my Scooter here in Bali? Its a spiritual experience. It’s not just the freedom felt as wind whips by, or even the incredible views you see as you take in jungle, village, and sky. There is something about navigating your way through Bali that is special. It’s also how Life speaks to you as you go your way.

I’ll need to write about this another time, but this is the bottom-line: You drive in Bali like you live in Bali.. you flow, sense others, keep moving forward.

Meanwhile, I decided to run in the mid-day Bali sun. Not something I usually do.


I’m learning that stepping into something new can surprise you.

Experiment and see where things go. Take things day by day, being curious. Be willing to win or lose — because its all Life loving you on a path bigger than you.

The run was hot, but Life was faithful and met me there. I did 5 loops. That’s 5k of rice fields, volcano views, ducks, dogs, dirt, and broken paths worn by weather and wind. Glorious.

I took it all in, lost myself in the energy and simplicity of the island. Filled with goodness, hope, destiny.


The unplanned and unexpected is often where we grow the most. It is also often what creates some of the most tasty aspects of life. I’m sure if you think back yourself, you’ll find it was the unplanned or unexpected that brought life lifting joy to you.

But you have to have room for it in order to receive it, and you must receive it to taste it’s swirling flavor-filled color of Joy.

Work your agenda and keep your calendar, but try to hold it loosely and stay on watch! Don’t miss it when Life shows up to offer the unplanned. Don’t resist it either, there is joy in there, if even for a moment.

And it is yours.

Let go and LET’S GO!
- jeff



Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Living Life and Sharing the journey: Lessons of Leading and Learning. Discoveries of Experiencing and Exploring. This is my Journal, lets adventure together.