Stop Living Life on Autopilot

It helps to boost your creativity

M Raj Shekhar
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Do you ever feel like you’re living a life that’s been predetermined by a set of routines?

Does it feel like you’re a robot programmed to perform specific tasks in a specific way?

If this sounds familiar, then you’re not alone. Many of us get so caught up in the demands of life that we forget to take time for ourselves.

picture by boris-stefanik on unsplash

Living a life on autopilot means that we go about our day-to-day activities without much thought or effort. We wake up, take a shower, get dressed, go to work, come home, scroll through social media, and go to bed.

It’s almost as if we’re so accustomed to our routines that our brains go into autopilot mode, and we don’t even realize it.

But eventually, we come to the realization that we’re not really living our lives; we’re just going through the motions. We forget to take time for ourselves and do the things we love. This realization can be annoying, and it can leave us feeling unfulfilled and unsatisfied.

Living life on autopilot can have a significant impact on our mental health, leading to stress, anxiety, and burnout. We need to break the pattern and switch ourselves on, so our brains start functioning effectively.

So, how can we break



M Raj Shekhar
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I like to write about my life's experiences and sharing what I have learnt out of those experiences that shaped me to be a better human being.😄