Do You Choose Her Love Over Loving Yourself?

Being loved, keeping a broken heart open, and how to become whole again. ❤️

pockett dessert
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readJul 26, 2021


love’s embrace in a green calla lily flower opening, pink tip, sunlight, heart chakra space | ©pockett-dessert
©pockett-dessert, love’s embrace

Love’s embrace—witness, unfold, open. Bloom.

I see people hurt in love and want to tell them it’s going to be okay.
That they need to keep that broken heart open.
Because there’s nothing else that really matters
beyond loving and being loved.
Nitya Prakash

I lost my mother’s love
days before she died.

In her last hours, I felt her love bleeding out, vacating the heart space of my being.

Every child believes their mother will love them — always, no matter what.

Do you choose to love yourself?

My test arrived as a gut-wrenching decision to make and to live by my choice. My mother was dying, but no one believed me. Premonitions mounted, rapidly manifesting, one by one, while the chasm of family dysfunction stretched us to our breaking point.

A betrayal separated us. I would never see my mother again.



pockett dessert
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

🧿 writer‿.➶ ° *➴ artist ‿.➶ ° *➴ photographer ‿.➶ ° *➴ certified reiki master | Editor for Write Under the Moon and heart trails pub