Take Care of the Gifts

Are you taking care of the gifts you received from God?

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

When a sincere prayer is made to God, he always answers it and blesses us with whatever we ask him for.

Before seeking new gifts from God, what about the previous gifts that we have received from him? Are we taking care of them? Are we even grateful for receiving them?

This life given by him is the first and biggest gift, and then he gave us the freedom to choose and become whatever we want to be.

Such is the power of this freedom that we can even deny the existence of our creator. That's how powerful he has made us.

He has given us the soul, body, mind, ability, and many more.Above all, he gives us chances upon failing that no one else can give except him.

In spite of having all these gifts, why do some choose to suffer?

It's because they are ungrateful to him and have misused the freedom given to them.

God gave us this freedom to test us, to see which path we would choose—the evil one or his path.

Be grateful for being created by him; be grateful for being a unique and special soul among the billions out there, as there is none like you; none carries the feature that you carry.

Protect your soul, your mind, and your life from evil because freedom is with you, not with evil.

Good and evil do not have the freedom to choose you; it's you who have the freedom to choose between them.

Take care of the gifts you have received from your creator and try to keep them the same as you received them. This is the least we can do for our creator.



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I feel blessed to write, for that's a rare quality to find.