Tap the Refresh Button of your Life

You need it.

Rimsha fatima
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readOct 10, 2022


Image by Jacqueline Munguía on Unsplash

Having a person who can listen to your all stupidity and sense-less talks, is definitely a sweet blessing to your good works. Isn’t?

These days people have totally forgotten that- there's also an another beautiful world of relationships either with your family, with you friends except being busy on earning Money, money and money.

Nowadays, Every one of us has trapped ourselves so tightly in this Money Earning World. It is totally understandable that having a mindset for your daily livelihood and future is indispensable but totally being surrounded in that periphery only is also not a quite good thing too.

Well, well & well.

I know, Doesn’t matter how many times I say all this, But one only understands when they try it by themselves, by their own selves.

But still, My work isn’t done yet. I’m so stubborn. Lol.

For a while, let yourself get out of that certain encircle and artificial world which you have created all over around you, where you spend most of your time, leave it aside for a movement. Get out of that place and look around you, there might be some beautiful things which you are missing.

Looking around, you might get a new idea, you might get a way to start a new beginning, look at the people who work day and night from where they get all these strength?, have a look at the kids they’re full exuberant, purity and loyalty.

Look at the sky does it look the same as it was yesterday? No! Right? Even the sky changes every day, Why didn’t you change the part of you who is still missing someone, who is still hasn’t forgotten the loss, who is still afraid to play outside the confront zone, and who still think he/she isn’t perfect.

By the changing and continual world- Every day Slight changes in ourselves is fundamental, In order to play against to the world.

It is not beyond the realm of possibility.

Have a thought about it.

Nobody’s gonna come and instruct you to do what you always long for.

So wake up,

Be that Nobody- tell yourself,

Yes, you can do it,

if you won’t! Who you think will?

Photo by Milo Bauman from Unsplash

