Thank You For Rejecting Me

A Poem About Rejection

C. Bjørnemose
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
1 min readAug 10, 2021


Rejection. Original Image by me, C.Bjørnemose, 2021.

Thank you for rejecting me.

It helped me to start realizing who I really am,
what I want from life, and who I’m meant to be. Thank you

For rejecting me. It made me shed my skin and become stronger.
Releasing me from old patterns and projections. Thank you

For rejecting me. It opened my eyes and my mind.
Now for the first time, I’m truly seeing. Thank you

For rejecting me. Gave me clarity and connection,
creating a spark that became an amazing explosion. Thank you

For rejecting me. It helped me understand
how some things aren’t meant for me, but the lessons in them are. Thank you

For rejecting me. It made me see how I never needed your or anyone else’s
approval, recognition, and appreciation. Thank you

For rejecting me. Helping me to find myself for the first time,
and see the universe inside of me. Thank you

For rejecting me. My life opened a new door when you did
for me to walk my own path, wiser and more aware than ever.

So thank you for rejecting me.



C. Bjørnemose
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Hi, I’m C. & this is my corner here on Medium. I write poems & reflections about life & love as I learn, heal & grow. Happy reading! :)