That support and Trusted eyes

Tell them you trust them.

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readMar 17, 2024


Photo by NONRESIDENT on Unsplash

How would you feel when you realized that there's someone who has faith in you and supports you unconditionally? No doubt, it's an amazing feeling one can actually feel. That's actually the safest feeling in this world, where you don't feel alone anymore.

After struggling a lot and still having no breaks, I'm actually not stopping and keep on walking on my path without thinking where it will lead me or where it's going to end. I have no idea why I'm not giving up; of course, I have fears and lots of anxiety about what will happen. But whenever I head up and look into my parents eyes, I always see a trust in their eyes that their daughter is strong enough to handle her fights, a constant support in human form that I gain from them that never lets me stop fighting. So yes, I'm not giving up because there is someone who has faith in me, and that support won't allow me to kneel down.

Likewise, support and trust are not easy. It takes a lot of patience from a person who wants to believe, and believing is indeed not easy.

We should understand that if we make someone realize that we trust them, it can make a big difference in that person's life.

Instead of prejudging someone, we should trust their abilities and support them to succeed, rather than drag them down.

