The #1 Thing You Should Consider Before You Choose a Partner

Your marriage is not about you

George Blue Kelly
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
5 min readMay 15, 2021


Photo by Jorge Fakhouri Filho from Pexels

One thing that runs through my mind and saddens my heart is the increase of ignorance in an age of profound and unlimited access to knowledge. We live in an age where knowledge is practically free. You can read a blog post about how to manage your emotions or what to look for in a good partner in the same amount of time it takes to commute home from work.

Yet we have people who can’t seem to be bothered.

We used to have parents buying books and library cards for their kids. We now have parents buying iPads and Netflix passes for their kids.

The other day, at my aunt’s store, a really young mom, I’m guessing in her early 20s, had her baby playing along to hip-hop music videos on YouTube. Every time the video stops playing, the kid bursts into a cry. Until the next video starts playing again. I asked the mother, “how old is the child?” “5 months old.” She said.

I pressed her further as to why she cries whenever the video stops. “She likes it a lot. And that’s the only way I get to keep her occupied and from crying.” She told me. “The only way?” I said to myself.

Let’s contrast that to another experience I had during the summer of 2019.

