The 5 Limiting Beliefs that Keep Us Down in Difficult Times

Reclaim Your Power And Rise Above Difficult Times.

Uche Emeni
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
5 min readMar 20, 2024


In 2011, I was going through one of the most challenging times in my life. Something I wrote about and how it shaped me. [Read about it here]

I look back and wonder how I was in that rut for so long. What personal beliefs kept me in that downward spiral?

After much thought, I’ve identified the five beliefs that kept me down and how to counter them.

These beliefs can keep you captive in a vicious cycle for a very long time.

Here they are:

I deserve to be Punished.

I believed the Universe was punishing me for my past actions or inactions, which makes sense because our present circumstances result from our past decisions.

Nevertheless, the fundamental belief of being punished by the Universe is a huge burden to bear.

This belief weighed down on my soul. I accepted being in this challenging situation because the Universe had ordained it. And since the Universe has ordained it, who am I to go against it?

We accept failure, poverty, homelessness, and other terrible situations we would never wish on ourselves simply because we believe it’s the will of GOD or the Universe.

If you ever find yourself in this circumstance, the only thing you must accept is responsibility for your past decisions and nothing more.

The 1 question you should ask yourself is, what must I do differently, or how must I think differently to change my situation?

When we hold this belief and accept our wretched circumstances, we view the world as a place to suffer and pay penance for our wrongdoings.

Which leads to the next self-limiting belief

It’s a Bad, Bad World and a Place for Suffering.

We watch the news and accept all the evil reported worldwide as the norm, and this further proves our viewpoint that the world is an evil place and a place of suffering.

We must understand that the Universe is whatever you think it is.

You can see it as the unyielding wicked taskmaster or, as I choose to see it, pure love and abundance.

Most religions define GOD or the Universe as pure love, not the verb but the noun. If we claim this definition, how can we accept that this same entity of pure love can deliberately inflict pain and hurt on us? Which is why most people don’t believe there is a GOD or a higher power.

It’s ultimately up to you how you choose to see the Universe. But understand that whatever view you choose, the Universe has no option but to make it true.

The Universe will not only freely give you your heart’s innermost desires if you ask and act from a place of intuition, but it will also reflect to you whatever you project.

If you hold the image of a turquoise sports car firmly in your mind, you suddenly start noticing turquoise sports cars everywhere you go. It’s not because they never existed; it’s just that you have made a conscious decision to call it into your life experience. The same goes for thinking and believing that the world is evil and full of lack. Holding that belief will attract evil and lack into your life and always prove you right.

The good thing about this is that the inverse is also true. If you believe the world is good and full of abundance, that belief will draw more good and abundance into your life.

A friend once accused me of seeing the world through rose-colored glasses, to which I responded, why will I choose to see it otherwise when I know the Universe has no choice but to always prove me right.

I’m not saying evil does not exist; I’m saying that you only have one choice. And you have to decide for yourself what you want to draw into your life experience.

There is only one power in the Universe — it’s good, and it is light. Evil and darkness result from the absence of light, so, in essence, there’s only one real option.

When you are scrambling in the dark, instead of believing in darkness because it’s your present reality, look for a light source to find your way out of the dark.

I have Bad Luck

When you believe the world is a terrible place and evil is the norm, anything you try to accomplish will be unsuccessful because the Universe has no choice but to prove your limiting beliefs. And after you try and fail repeatedly, you develop a new belief of bad luck, which you are right about.

With this belief, you no longer want to try. You slowly start giving up on life because what’s the point of trying when you already believe you will fail.

This thing called luck is you drawing into your life what you profoundly desire through hard work and mastery, and the Universe making sure that you attain it at all costs.

A person who believes they have bad luck won’t put in the work required to achieve a thing because what’s the point?

I’m Not Good Enough

Believing you have bad luck and deciding not to do the work required to achieve anything makes you mediocre. You feel worthless and start declaring that maybe you aren’t as good at anything as you thought. And once again, you are right. You aren’t good because you stopped doing the work required for growth and improvement.

How else can you justify not being able to catch a break? I suck at everything; I can’t seem to get anything right. These are the internal conversations we have with ourselves without realizing we are in a vicious cycle of self-limiting beliefs.

The Universe is life and intelligence, and the human intelligence we pride ourselves in can only take us so far. I know I am only a vessel that has chosen to collaborate with the Universe. And for this collaboration to happen, I must be in the light.

I’m Afraid

All these self-limiting beliefs lead to the ultimate and the worst of them all — fear.

With this belief, all your worst fears will happen one after the other until they all come to fruition and you hit rock bottom.

Fear that everyone will see you the way you see yourself.

Fear to ask for love and mercy because you believe you deserve punishment.

Fear to ask for anything good because you believe the world is cruel and bad.

Fear of accomplishing anything because you believe you are cursed and have bad luck.

Fear of stepping out and doing anything worthwhile because you believe you aren’t good enough.

When we have lost it all, we can either lie down and die or fight for our lives. Do not interpret laying down and dying as the will of the Universe.

The biggest lie we believe is that we are only human. Yes, we are human, but we are also much more than that. We are an expression of the Universe. We have the same regenerative ability, creative abilities, and abundance as the Universe. We hear unbelievable stories of ordinary people overcoming the worst of the worst situations. Still, we believe we are ONLY humans.

We underestimate the powers we have, powers we were born with and trained out of. Reclaim them.



Uche Emeni
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I share insights and strategies to help you thrive personally and professionally, leveraging product management principles to master the art of self-evolution.