The Abyss

Where we go when we lose our minds.

The Monster Guide To Life
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


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Today’s article arrives with some trepidation, self-doubt and anxiety…

There are many new things I’ve experienced and learned about in recent years, ‘The Abyss’ being one of them. I don’t mean the classic James Cameron flick but rather the place in ourselves, in our own minds where we get lost.

Ironically perhaps, that reference didn’t come across my path until I was out of it. Probably for good reason. I imagine giving it a name like that when you’re in it may well be a path to a more permanent state of institutionalised madness and would be a far greater challenge to come back from.

Whilst I don’t believe it’s a widespread phenomena, purely based on my almost 40 years on earth with no personal experience of it, I do believe it’s something we all have the capacity for and a lot of us actually do end up there for one reason or another at some point in our lives.

I’m sure we all have our own version of what it looks like, feels like. Or perhaps we don’t, perhaps we don’t all want to know, aren’t sure how to talk about or rationalise it, which is why I guess I’m raising the…

